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MonoCoach Leaderboard

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

MonoCoach Leaderboard

Another strong week in Dubai from Tanya clocking up an impressive 501km with a large gap back to poor old me in 2nd place with 353.2km. The one and only Northern Ferret going long and heading the largest single ride with a tasty 113.7km in the hills and then lets have a look at the climbing table with my good self taking a rare position at the top with 2623m.

Some impressive moves on the Strava segments with the Ferret taking the opportunity to have a good crack at the Hatta Dam climb and missing out on top spot by 1sec! Expect more riders to be threatening that segment in the coming weeks. Another hotly contested segment is the Kalba Kicker, climbing up to tunnel 2. This week we had Marc Mikulla power his way into 2nd place with a very impressive 8m 47s, putting good time into Nienke and Ferret now in 3rd and 4th.

And a final mention for the machine that is Connor, who whilst racing this weekend managed to improve on his already mighty Jebal Jais time of 58mins, taking off a further 3mins leaving him on 55mins and with an appetite to go under that time in the coming weeks.

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