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MonoCoach Leaderboard

Updated: Nov 30, 2020

Who are the movers and shakers this week on the MonoCoach leaderboard powered by Strava! Well it's a regular in the distance category with Tanya amassing an impressive 518.0km, Longest ride had some big numbers with Marc losing out with his 203.4km to Luke and Nienke who tied for first place on 216.3km, if only one of you had included your warm up/down :-) . In the climbing table Nienke managed to stand alone with a solid 2464m in altitude gain.

As for our Strava segments we had an impressive move from Darren on the Kalba Kicker, moving him up to third spot and then we had Nienke posting her first real time on the climb, taking the QOM and placing her in second on the MonoCoach table.

Expect more moves this coming week with a number of hill rides planned.

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